Title | 1939 Leslie G Whiting, son of Edward Whiting Jr. son of Edward Sr, son of Thomas, son of William Whiting in the 1939 England and Wales Register | |
Short Title | 1939~~Leslie G Whiting, son of Edward Whiting Jr. son of Edward Sr, son of Thomas, son of William Whiting~~ in the 1939 England and Wales Register | |
_MASTER | Y | |
Type | Census | |
Source ID | S650 | |
Text | 1939 Leslie G Whiting in the 1939 England and Wales Register Name: Leslie G Whiting Gender: Male Marital status: Single Birth Date: 27 Jan 1923 Residence Year: 1939 Address: 35 Residence Place: Heston and Isleworth, Middlesex, England Occupation: Scientific Instrument Assembler Schedule Number: 201 Sub Schedule Number: 5 Enumeration District: BLAB Registration district: 128/1 Inferred Father: Edward J Whiting Inferred Mother: Eliza Whiting Street Address: Occupation Scientific Instrument Assistant35 Beech Avenue Condition of Marriage:single Household Members: Name Edward J Whiting Eliza Whiting James E Whiting Louisa M Whiting Leslie G Whiting Source Citation The National Archives; Kew, London, England; 1939 Register; Reference: RG 101/835C © 2020, Ancestry.com ++++++++++ https://search.ancestry.com/collections/61596/records/10652227/printer-friendly? Actual Image: https://www.ancestry.com/interactive/61596/tna_r39_0835_0835c_023?pid=10652227&backurl=https://search.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/sse.dll?db%3D1939UKRegister%26indiv%3Dtry%26h%3D10652227%26indivrecord%3D1&treeid=&personid=&hintid=&usePUB=true&usePUBJs=true&_ga=2.168880034.2085306730.1587465685-400727200.1583464302 | |
Linked to | Whiting, Leslie G |