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 | Whitings in England Before 1650 Research done by Gordon C. Whiting in 1978
The other files in the folder are documents supporting this research
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 | 2014 Newsletter, Vol 1 Newsletter, 2014, Vol 1
4 |
 | 2014-March Research Update.pdf March 2014 Research Update
5 |
 | Boxford Church documents
6 |
 | Bubble Directory
7 |
 | Coleman Street Photos, above, south, north, the plaque, and 1945.pdf St. Stephens Coleman Street Parish
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 | Correspondence with Miss Packman, 1976-1978
9 |
 | Genealogical and Historical History of the State of Connecticut
10 |
 | Guildhall Miscellany Vol 4 No 2, April 1972, starting p114
11 |
 | Nathaniel 1612 son of Nathaniel son of Giles This is the Rev. Nathaniel Whiting who was son of Nathaniel Whiting, son of Rev. Giles Whiting, son of Giles Whiting
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 | Nathaniel Whiting and his Minnesota Descendants 1978, by Fred N Whiting
This is about the Nathaniel Whiting who was son of Rev. Tim Whiting, son of Rev. Giles Whiting, son of Giles Whiting.
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 | Our Data is in a Controlled-Access Environment
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 | Price Research Report 1
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 | Price Research Report 2
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 | Price Research Report 3
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 | Price Research Report 4 part 1
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 | Price Research Report 4 part 2
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 | Price Research Report 4 part 3
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 | Price Research Report 5
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 | Price Research Report 6
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 | Public Profiler Data & MAPS.pdf Maps of where the Whitings lived
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 | Shire Map showing the Batches
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 | Suffolk Manorial Families p 134
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 | The Art of Heraldry
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 | Thomas Whiting's account of the reburial of Richard Duke of York
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 | WG Docs (p)
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 | Where in the world are all the Whitings
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 | Whiting of Hadleigh
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 | William Whiting, 1626, London