Title | 1961 Arthur N Lane and Gwendoline Florence King in the England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 | |
Short Title | 1961 Arthur N Lane and Gwendoline Florence King in the England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 | |
_MASTER | Y | |
Type | Marriage Registration | |
Source ID | S2282 | |
Text | 1961 Arthur N Lane in the England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 Name: Arthur N Lane Spouse Surname: King Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1961 Registration district: Poole Inferred County: Dorset Volume Number: 7c Page Number: 1910 Find Spouse: Find Spouse Source Information Ancestry.com. England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2010. http://search.ancestry.com/search/collections/ONSmarriage1984/35136246/printer-friendly?uidh=000&rank=1&new=1&msT=1&MS_AdvCB=1&MSAV=2&gsfn_x=XO&gsln_x=XO&cp=0&cpxt=0&catBucket=rstp&_80018003=King&_F0005648=7c&_F0006310=1910&_80004003=Lane&r=an&noredir=true&gss=angs-d&pcat=34&fh=0&recoff=&ml_rpos=1 Florence G King in the England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 Name: Florence G King Spouse Surname: Lane Date of Registration: Jul-Aug-Sep 1961 Registration district: Poole Inferred County: Dorset Volume Number: 7c Page Number: 1910 Find Spouse: Find Spouse Source Information Ancestry.com. England & Wales, Marriage Index, 1916-2005 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc, 2010. http://search.ancestry.com/search/collections/ONSmarriage1984/35133209/printer-friendly?uidh=000&rank=1&new=1&msT=1&MS_AdvCB=1&MSAV=2&gsfn_x=XO&gsln_x=XO&cp=0&cpxt=0&catBucket=rstp&_80018003=Lane&_F0005648=7c&_F0006310=1910&_80004003=King&r=an&noredir=true&gss=angs-d&pcat=34&fh=0&recoff=&ml_rpos=1 | |
Linked to | King, Gwendoline Florence |