Title | 1987 Ronald Sidney Coleman, husband of Margery Lois Whiting, daughter of Arthur William Whiting, son of Armariah Whiting in the Web: UK, Burial and Cremation Index, 1576-2014 | |
Short Title | 1987~~Ronald Sidney Coleman, husband of Margery Lois Whiting, daughter of Arthur William Whiting, son of Armariah Whiting~~ in the Web: UK, Burial and Cremation Index, 1576-2014 | |
_MASTER | Y | |
Type | Burial Record | |
Source ID | S225 | |
Text | 1987 Ronald Sidney Coleman in the Web: UK, Burial and Cremation Index, 1576-2014 Name: Ronald Sidney Coleman Register Type: Burial Death Date: abt 1987 Burial or Cremation Date: 4 Sep 1987 Burial or Cremation Place: Wiltshire, England URL: https://www.deceasedonline.com... This record is not from Ancestry and will open in a new window. You may need to search for the record when the web page opens. For more information on web records, click here. You will need to log-in or register to save this record to your tree. Source Citation Deceased Online; United Kingdom; Deceased Online Burial Indexes © 2018, Ancestry.com ++++++++++ https://search.ancestry.com/collections/70845/records/1460350/printer-friendly?o_vc=Record%3aOtherRecord&rhSource=8753 | |
Linked to | Coleman, Ronald S |