Title | 1896 Lavinia Highreen Pugh daughter of George Pugh and Sophia Henley in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1913 | |
Short Title | 1896 Lavinia Highreen Pugh daughter of George Pugh and Sophia Henley~~ in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1913 | |
_MASTER | Y | |
Type | Birth Registration | |
Source ID | S2220 | |
Text | 1896 Lavinia Highreen Pugh in the Ontario, Canada Births, 1869-1913 Name: Lavinia Highreen Pugh Date of Birth: 17 Dec 1896 Gender: Female Birth Place: Middlesex, Ontario, Canada Father's name: George Pugh Mother's name: Sophia Hanley Source Citation Archives of Ontario; Series: MS929; Reel: 138 http://search.ancestry.com/search/collections/ontario_births/2095984/printer-friendly?tid=&pid=&usePUB=true&rhSource=8991 | |
Linked to | Pugh, Lovenia Irene |