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Mrs. Margaret Clark
Former Chelsea Resident
Dies Friday in Jackson
Mrs. Margaret Clark of Jackson, a former Chelsea resident for many years,died Friday, September 28, 1962 at W.A. Foote Memorial hospital inJackson, following a short illness she was 81 years old.
Funeral services were held at St. John's Catholic Church in Jackson at 9a.m. Monday followed by burial at Mt. Olivet cemetery here.
A daughter of Matthias and, Anna Katherine Elsen Schwickerath, she wasborn in Chelsea, June 18 1881, and was married in 1904 at St. Mary'sChurch here to Fred H. Clark. Their home was at 792 South Main St. Thefamily moved to Jackson in March 1928. Clark died there January 1933.
Survivors include: Leo G. and Raymond M., both of Chelsea;
Louis of Jackson; three daughters, Mrs. Earl (Eunice) Kalmbach; Mrs.Margaret Adams and Mrs. Howard (Lucille) Wright, all of Jackson; 22grandchildren; 34 great-grandchildren; a brother, Henry Schwickerath ofWashington D.C.; and four sisters, Elizabeth Elsen and Mrs. Vera Tarmanof Chicago; Sister Victorine OP, of Adrian; Miss. Lena Schwickerath ofYpsilanti.
Desnoyer Funeral Home
Jackson, Michigan
Re: Chelsea Standard
October 1962
1881 1962
Born in Chelsea, Michigan, the third child of Mathias and Anna ElsenSchwickerath, June 18, 1881, a twin of Mathias Peter, 2nd born. Anna,also know as "Maggie," being the eldest girl of a very large family ofbrothers and sisters, had to quit school at the tender age of thirteen,due to the untimely death of her Mother. Grosmom Kinnen came to live andcare for the family and was in need of Maggies help, the youngest of the10 children, twin girls, being just six days old! A few months later herFather remarried, Mary Hines ( Aunt of Fred Hines Clark) never had beenmarried, so to take on the responsibility of 10 growing children was afeat in itself, she also needed Maggies help.
On November 4, 1902, at the age of 23, she married Fred Hines Clark alsoof Chelsea, the wedding took place at St Mary's Church.
Fred was a carpenter by trade and built a large home at 792 S Main Streetin Chelsea as a wedding gift to his new bride. This union was blessedwith six healthy children; Louis 1905; Leo 1907; Raymond 1908; Margaret1912; Eunice 1920; Lucille 1921.
In 1928 the family moved to Jackson, 205 E Ganson St, and lived thereuntil their deaths.
Grandma, (as I knew her) was very devoted to her own family as she was toher brothers and sister's. She was a typical grandma, she stood about4'11" and was kinda round, she had chocolate eyes and long silky whitehair, that she wrapped in a bun every day. She had a very robust laugh,better yet, a very robust sneeze . . . that would make the doorbell ring. . . waaa . . . waaaaa . . . waaaaa CHOOOOOOO . . . dings!
She always had lots of hugs, kisses, cookies and apples for hergrandchildren, 22 of them and 34 great-grandchildren at the time of herdeath in 1962.
We lived with our grandma in her home in Jackson. I remember when we gotour first television, May of 1954, Grandma wasn't so sure of that"thing," but in about an hour. She was hooked! She had her favorite showswhich were; I Love Lucy; Queen for A Day; The Ed Sullivan Show, shealways had to see the weather and news, sometimes she would even watchthe Howdy Doody Show and the Mickey Mouse Club with us kids.
Grandma was a very devout Catholic and very strong in her convictions inher faith, every Tuesday evening St John's held a Novena Service to prayfor world peace and to save Russia and she always attended having me gowith her, because she didn't like to walk alone in the dark, on the wayover she would always tell me to pray for Aunt Gert's Legs and for therepose of Raymond Barnes soul.
Grandma always reserved Saturday mornings for pie making and puddingmaking . . . she usually through in a cake too. She loved to sew andmend things, even for the neighbor kids too. She always insisted on doingthe supper dishes, she said "kids don't belong in the kitchen," us Clarkkids thought it was GREAT when Grandma said we "could" do the dishes!
During the summer of 1962 her health began to fail, she had great painand went to the doctor, he said "it's your gall bladder, I think weshould remove it," she agreed. The day before she went to the hospitalfor surgery she talked about her Mother, Father, Step-Mother and all herfamily, her childhood, and many things, she was looking at old picturesand . . . remembering . . . she looked all thru the house as if sheknew she wouldn't return . . . she didn't.
Grandma died at 8:40 a.m., Friday, September 28,1962, the surgery was asuccess but she died of complications, complete renal shutdown andpyloric stenosis.
St John's Catholic Church
St John's Alter Society
St John's Mothers Club
Jackson Widows Club
St Mary's Catholic Church, Chelsea.
re: As told to Patricia by grandma
Memories of Patricia
Death Certificate
1991 Patricia A Clark Olney