Notes |
- (Major Ebenezer, Lieutenant Charles, Major William, Reverend John, Major William and Susannah immigrants)
History of Norwich
Laurel Hill.
Along the river, running down toward Brewster's Neck, were two farms;.
the upper belonging to .John Downs, and the lower to Joseph Elderkin.
These farms, after several times changing owners, were purchased at dif-
ferent periods, the upper by Jabez Perkins, and the lower by Nathaniel
Backus. Capt. Perkins bought also the Fitch farm and other lands in the
neighborhood. His wife was the daughter of Mr. Backus, and on the
decrease of the latter in 1787, the Elderkin farm fell to her by inheritance,
which brought the eastern bank of the river for a considerable distance
into the ownship of Capt. Perkins and his wife. The only child of this
couple that lived to maturity was Mary, the wife of Capt. Daniel Whjt-
ing, and the two children of his daughter dying without issue, the estate,
agreeably to the will of Capt. Perkins reverted in fee simple to their
father, Captain Whiting.
The Indian name of this tract WaS Shipscattuck. In l860 the road to Poquetannock was called the Shipscattuck path. The original grantees in
this quarter were Robert Roath, Owen Wi1liams, Josiah Rockwell, Benjamin
Fitch, John Eldcrkin: these were Shipscattuck proprietors.. At a
later period the dwcllings of Thomas Danforth and Micheal Pepper were
said to be at These grants were all in East or Long Society. which in 1786 was dis-
severed from Norwich by legislative authority and annexed to Preston.
Perkins and Whiting were the proprietors on this bank of the river for
more than sixty years. A large proportion of the land was rugged and
unptoductive; it was therefore but partially cleared and cultivated. After
coming into the possession of Capt. Whiting, the only dwelling was A
small farm-house pleasantly situated on tile river, but with no road lead-
ing to it except. a pent-way through the woods. The farm-house has since
expanded into the costly and eccentric villa of Sunnyside.
History of Norwih