Notes |
- 1. N.Y. Record vol 43 page 274
2. Am. 25 (Quaker Record)
3. William and Mary Quarterly Historical Magazine Volume 19 page 301 (2 ser)
973 H 25 w
973 B2w ser. 2 v. 4 - FHL US/CAN Book - ReClassified
4. Maryland Historical Magazine Volume 23 page 55 // 975.2 H25m/v.23 (1928)
Francis Doughty of Dorchester, Massachussetts
Minister of Taunton, Massachusetts then to Newtown, Long Island, New York
1643-48 Presby. Minister of New York city (Brooklyn) then to Manhattan
1647-54 Pastor of the settlement at Flushing
abt 1655 To Virginia
1658-62 in Charles County, Maryland
1662 to Rappahannock County, Virginia
abt 1688 Was leaving wife and family in Virginia for health reasons, but apparently did not do so
and probably died in Virginia about 1684