Father |
Wagstaffe, John, b. 3 May 1619, Berkshire, England , bur. 6 Jun 1681, Bishops-Tachbrook, Warwickshire, England (Age ~ 62 years) |
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COMBE WAGSTAFFE, Eques. Aur. filius THOMÆ WAGSTAFFE, unicus (e MARIA conjuge sua filia & cohærede WILL. COMBE nuper de STRATFORD super Avon,arm.) primogeniti TIMOTHEI WAGSTAFFE, Jurisconsulti sagacis. Qui quidem COMBE Calebs obiit XV0 Januarii A°. D. MDCLXVII0. ætatis suæ XXX. MARIAM sororem (JOHANNI CREW de VTRTNTON in Com. CESTRIÆ equiti aur. enuptamj relinquens, Ac THOMAM 'WAGSTAFFE filiumunicum JOHANNIS WAGSTAFFE, patrui Hæredem ex asse constituens. Arms on this monument are, argent two bends in- grailcd with an escallop in sinister chief sable empaling Combe , ermine three lions passant gules. On another marble monument :
S. To the Memory of JOHN WAGSTAFFE Esq-, third son of TIMOTHY WAGSTAFFE of TACHEBROOKE Esq; descended from the ancient Family of the WAGSTAFFES of HARBVRY He was a Person of Exemplary Charity, approved Integrity, & known Loyalty, a Constant Churchman, and a zealous Assertor of Monarchy : In him the Christian and the Gentleman were united. His Religion did not make him insociable, nor his mirth irreligious ; He lived 63 years deservedly beloved, and died as generally lamented on the 4th of June 1681. He married ALICE the daughter of THO. STANTONofWOLVARDINGTONEfq; who died the 4th. of Nov. 1681. aged 63 ye rs : She was indued with all those virtues & Graces that made her Admired here, and prepared her for a happy Immortality hereafter* They lived together 34 years mutually happy, and had ilfue only one Son Sr. THOMAS WAGSTAFFE Knt. who erected this as a lasting Monument of his Duty and Gratitude to the most loving & beloved Parents. Arms on this monument are, Wagst.ife empaling Stantotiy viz. argent two ckeverons, with a border ingrail- ed fable. On a large grey marble monument fixed to the south wall, are depicted the arms of Wagstaffe era-