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- Millennium File about Maria Pudsey
Name: Maria Pudsey
Gender: Female
Birth Date: 1562
Birth Place: Langley, Warwick, England
Father: George "Sonoria" Pudsey
Mother: Margaret Gibbon
Spouse: Thomas Stanton
Children: Thomas Stanton; Robert Stanton
American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) about Maria Pudsey
Name: Maria Pudsey
Volume: 141
Page Number: 155
Reference: Genealogy of des. of Will. Chesebrough, founder of Stonington, Ct. By Anna Chesebrough Wildey. New York, 1903. (686p.):535 Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 2 Dec 1912, 2950
The history and genealogy of the Knowltons of England and America
Royal Decents Of Americans
Page. 543
Staffordshire, England, Extracted Parish Records about Mr Lees Seaven Stanton Sir Thomas Waggstaffe Cozen Stanton Isaack Tomkys William Tomkys John Hayes Thomas Hayes, Gent. Isaack Tomkys William Tomkys John Hayes, Junr.
Text: First that my Body be Decently Interred neare my Late Affectionate & Religious Wife in the Chancell or by the Vicar's Seate and that a Broad piece be given to Reverend Mr Lees to preache a Sermon waveing all Enconiums. Next I Give to my Deare Wife Seaven poundes to buy her Mourning. Item. I give to my good Mother Stanton, to all my Brothers to Sir Thomas Waggstaffe & Cozen Stanton of Longbridge to my foure nephews Isaack Tomkys, William Tomkys, John Hayes & Thomas Hayes, Gent., each a Ring of thirteen Shillinges & foure pence. Item my Will is that Three-penny Doles be Given to all the Poore of the Neighboring parishes that come to my funerall. Item I appoint & do hereby Confume that my Wife during her Naturall Life may fully & peacably Enjoy all those Lands, Tenements & Proffitts in the Countys of Stafford & Warwick pursuant to the Marriage Settlement And I farther desire my kinde Relations to Assist her in Receaveing & Returning her Stafford-shire Rents according to her owne appoyntment. Item I give after my Wife's Decease all those Lands in Pen, Womborne, Lyde, Orton or other places that came by my first Wife to the Minister of Bilston, dureing his Serveing the Cure & The Successive Ministers of the said village for Ever for their Encouragement to instruct my Deare Relations & Neighbors in the plaine & Saveing Truth of the Glorious Ghospell. And I solemnly charge my said Nephews Isaack Tomkys, William Tomkys & John Hayes, Junr., whom I appoint Trustees in this Settlement & all that shall Clayme Title from them that they never defraud this my Intention by Cutting off the Entayle or otherwise, least they be Condemned as Robbers of God by such accursed Sacriledge. Item I give to the sayd Minister of Bilston immediately after my Wives decease Ten poundes per annum out of my Estate of Blacon Farme lyeing & being in the parish of Woolverton in the County of Warwick, or the Summe of Two Hundred poundes to purchase Lands in or neare Bilston to the Uses above-mentioned. Item I give my Bookes to ye same Minister (Some few English practicall Bookes excepted) to be Given to my Wife & other Relations at the Discretion of my Executors.
Book: Baptisms. (Baptism)
Collection: Staffordshire: Bilston - Parish Registers, 1684-1746