
The global center for research on the Whiting surname



    February 2020    
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Caleb (1867)
Allyn, Matthew (1669)
Collins, Abigail (1673)
Cook, Jim (1996)
Daniel (1744)
Joseph (1721)
Adams, Ann (1728)
Alexander, Sarah (1687)
Margerie (1627)
Margerie (1627)
Wake, Sophia (1876)
Margerie (1627)
Ashbel (1797)
Lola (1862)
Aldrich, Mercy (1692)
Allen, Eleanor (1579)
Events for this month that are not associated with a specific day:
Alice (1870)   Anne P (1862)   Charlotte (1774)   Elzabeth M (1856)   Irene A (1846)   Allen, Clifford W (1897)   Ames, Clara ( Clute ) (1852)   Anderson, Dottie Fay (1883)   Armstrong, Linus D (1878)   Bennett, Mary Jane (1844)   Bennett, Winnie (1878)   Boldt, Lydia (1888)   Bond, Sarah G. (1821)   Bowman, Edmund Sheridan (1885)   Bowman, Rachel (1870)   Brown, Martha A (1825)   Carr, Charles (1850)   Champlin, Theodore C . (1860)   Clinton, Charlotte (1872)   Clinton, Louise (1874)   Coe, Amos W (1894)   Collingwood, Minerva J . (1842)   Crevanson, Addie A. (1878)   Curtis, Ethan (1841)   Curtis, Margaret (1886)   Cutler, Joseph (1844)   Damon, Charles Edgar (1855)   Dann, Alfred Henry (1875)   Decker, Charlotte Matilda (1827)   Dutton, Cornelia (1887)   E., Grace (1873)   Gilbert, Thomas (1611)   Goffe, Nathaniel (1637)   Griswold, Flora (1884)   Hall, Artimus or Artemus J . (1839)   Hall, Frederick G . (1864)   Hard, Dora U. (1873)   Hawes, Albert H (1859)   Hills, William Bacon (1852)   Hopkins, Thomas (1789)   Howland, Lydia (1635)   Hubard, James (1743)   Ingalls, Edith Elsie (1894)   Innes, Norman P (1890)   Knox, Henry M (1877)   Latimer, Charles D . (1894)   Logan, Edith M. (1883)   M, Louisa (1871)   Mallory, Elisha (1736)   Maurer, Edward (1893)   Maurer, Elsie Gertrude (1881)   Meane, Sarah (1640)   Morse, Horace L. (1859)   Parker, David (1655)   Parker Sr., Joseph (1647)   Ploof, Albert (1869)   Ploof, George (1875)   Pond, Elmer Hawes (1848)   Richardson, Joseph (1790)   Richardson, Robert William (1933)   Roper, Maude Katherine (1873)   Seeley, Charlotte (1899)   Sheldon, Mary (1601)   Smith, Lucretia Angie (1893)   Traphagan, Sarah J. (1852)   Tyler, Anna (1861)   Waterman, Emma M (1884)   Webb, Allie (1879)   Wheeler, Harry A. (1870)   Whiting, Addie Mary (1898)   Whiting, Ann Rossiter (1824)   Whiting, Annie Loula (1898)   Whiting, Arthur L (1865)   Whiting, Boice Ames Jr. (1973)   Whiting, Boyd S . (1889)   Whiting, Carl (1882)   Whiting, Clarence (1884)   Whiting, Earl F . (1886)   Whiting, Edwin Prilay (1880)   Whiting, Elizabeth (1897)   Whiting, Ephraim E. (1839)   Whiting, George W (1870)   Whiting, Grace D (1870)   Whiting, Kenneth P (1891)   Whiting, Lena Lee (1886)   Whiting, Marcus J (1882)   Whiting, Marian G. (1894)   Whiting, Martha (1893)   Whiting, Mason Tupbery (1883)   Whiting, Matilda (1861)   Whiting, Nancy F (1852)   Whiting, Sarah DeWitt (1859)   Whiting, Temperance B . (1830)   Whiting, Thomas (1888)   Williams, Raymond W (1899)   King, Grace L (1892)   Laker, Alfred (1870)   Lord, Richard (1669)   Parker Sr., Joseph (1647)   Locke, William Ernest (Rifle... (1890)   Whiting, Albert (1852)   Whiting, Charles (1833)   Whiting, William (1798)   Oliver, Betsy (1838)   Sharp, Lucy (1856)   Wendell, Jane (1881)   Abbott, Joshua (1769)   Adams, John Quincy (1848)   Adams, Joseph Jr (1737)   Aldrich, Experience (1642)   Aldrich, Sarah (1685)   Appleton, Judith (1741)   Atkinson, Elizabeth (1834)   Bowen, Daniel (1736)   Bradford, William Major (1703)   Braun, Anna G. (1966)   Burt, Elizabeth (1691)   Bushrod, John (1760)   Cadwallader, Abigail (1872)   Carter, Arthur (1937)   Coate, Marmaduke (1728)   Driggs, Frank Milton (1959)   Duel, Emily Helena (1970)   Fifield, Jonathan R . (1834)   Foote, Robert (1608)   Frye Whiting, Lucy (1863)   Gilbert, Sarah ( (1893)   Griffin, Nellie Floy (1994)   Hooker, Mary (1676)   Hooker, Sarah (1746)   Hurlbert, Thomas (1752)   Ingalls, Samuel Worthen (1841)   Ingraham, Nathaniel (1818)   Leeds, Margaret (1675)   Lewis, Mary Ann (1716)   Manwaring, Eleanor (1890)   Mather, Azariah (1736)   Mather, Samuel (1746)   Meacham, Stephen Peabody (1869)   Merriam, Robert (1719)   Merriam, Robert (1682)   Merriam, Susan (1707)   Millard(Miller), Benjamin (1881)   Mott, Dorothy (1670)   Newhall, Elisha (1687)   Porter, Nelson Warriner (1867)   Richardson, Thomas (1720)   Rose, Sebra Alifair (1902)   Sage, Comfort (1786)   Taylor, Mary (1709)   Tillotson, Elizabeth Partrid... (1892)   Treat, Richard (1693)   Washington, Elizabeth (1737)   Webster, Bradford Greenleaf (1807)   Whipple, Elizabeth (1685)   Whiting, Boice Ames Jr. (1974)   Whiting, Charles Thadeus (1940)   Whiting, Joseph (1715)   Whiting, Samuel Colonel (1803)   Whiting, Sylvia Cordelia (1960)   Wiggin, Hannah Wentworth (1691)   Wilcox, Sylvanus Jay (1895)   Rayner, Margaret (1970)   Stanton, Thomas (1592)   Smith, Nelis Arini (2004)   Ades, Arthur Herman (1968)   Anderson, Elizabeth (1875)   Anderson, Richard Ross (1954)   Barnhard, William Ernest (1938)   Brown, Maude Valois (2000)   Buell, Eunice (1867)   Chandler, James Howe (1860)   Childs, Harold (1877)   Darling, Elmer E (1940)   Fairbanks, Amos P (twin) (1892)   Fairbanks, Edward Richmond (1862)   Fairbanks, Grace Lelia (1970)   Fairbanks, Madison Dana (1973)   Fairbanks, Payne (1963)   Fairbanks, Susan (1913)   Ford, Hannah (1848)   Goldstone, Doris (1997)   Hillery, Edward Alton (1985)   Kerlin, Artemesy (1891)   Kimberly, Gideon (1749)   King, Joseph (1751)   Knowlton, Jeremiah (1844)   Maggard, Catherine (1847)   Marcy, Benjamin Henry (1920)   Mason, Sarah (1720)   Newhall, Elisha (1687)   Newton, Experience (1774)   Proctor, William Albert (1963)   Randolph, Elizabeth Beverly (1776)   Riggs, Effie Lulu (1918)   Riggs, Ina M (1911)   Simons, Vannia C (1929)   Starke, Hannah B . (1912)   Steele, Mary Jane (1883)   Stone, John (1687)   Thomas, Eveline (1972)   Treat, Richard (1693)   Walker, Jane (1882)   Wells, Gideon (1811)   Wharf, Sarah (1785)   Whiting, Boice Ames Jr. (1974)   Whiting, Flavius Josephin (1907)   Whiting, Franklin Harrison (1977)   Whiting, Gamaliel Bradford (1844)   Whiting, Hannah (1807)   Whiting, Hiram (1888)   Whiting, James Dyer (1883)   Whiting, Joseph (1715)   Whiting, Laura Elvina (2005)   Whiting, Lora Lydia (1938)   Whiting, Lurana (1860)   Whiting, Richard Owen (2012)   Whiting, Walter J (1895)   Whiton, Sarah (1721)   Appleton, Annie (1986)   Batchelor, Eva (1986)   Bues, Sydney T A (2002)   Davey, Maurice Ernest (2001)   Edis, Thomas Elam (1927)   Henson, David George (2006)   Rowley, Sarah Elizabeth (1988)   Stanley, Ethel Selina (1988)   West, William (1995)   Coleman, Ronald S (1987)   Croucher, William (1833)   Davis, Maurice William John (2008)   Dorrell, John (1895)   Ford, Kathleen May (1988)   Fullick, Rose (1885)   Goff, John Reginald (2007)   Gosney, Isabel Cecelia (2002)   Greenfield, Myra Elizabeth (2004)   Hussell, Phyllis Joan (1992)   Jaques, Violet Alberta (1988)   Jones, Ellen Maud (1998)   Linney, Albert (1991)   Lovegrove, Dorothy Beatrice (1998)   Podesta, Nora Kathleen (1997)   Rich, Charles (1949)   Roke, Ethel A (1939)   Sheppard, Harry Cecil (2004)   Steele, Alfred Harry Sidney ... (1981)   Whiting, Ellen Maria (1865)   Whiting, Florence Maud (1986)   Whiting, George Frederick (1995)   Whiting, Mabel Amelia (1999)   Swan, Vera Catherine J (2005)   Waters, Elizabeth (1855)   Wharf, Sarah (1785)   Whiting, Mary Ann (1906)   Whiting, Nathan / Lewis, Sar... (1792)   Whiting, Romeo Armstrong / B... (1931)   Moulton, Robert / Goode, Abi... (1640)